In progress
Biopôle SA
Arcadie SA
Architram SA
CHF 100 millions
Located overlooking the city of Lausanne, the Biopôle park is a state-of-the-art campus dedicated to life sciences. Following a call for tenders from Biopôle SA, the park's owner, NFIC, along with the firms Arcadie SA and Architram SA, was awarded the construction of a group of 3 office and laboratory buildings called Leeloo. There were many challenges: the areas had to remain flexible and modular in order to accommodate different types of users, and the space had to be used efficiently in order to offer a maximum of useful surface area. Furthermore, the buildings needed to integrate into the landscape and deal with the presence of the M2 metro line and other existing buildings nearby. And last but not least, sticking to the budget was key, because even if the work is ambitious from an architectural and environmental point of view, it was essential that it could be built within a rational budgetary framework.
With an unrivalled competitive spirit, our team was able to meet the requirements of the call for tenders with flying colours and, together with its partners, win a particularly tough competition. NFIC was able to easily handle all the key parameters of such an innovative and complex project, including the technical expertise, BIM tools, and respecting deadlines and budgets.